martes, 1 de julio de 2008

Being Noahide

What is a Noahide?

Noahide is a descendant of Noah (Noaj), whom God chose along with his family to repopulate the earth after the deluge.

Noaj was just in his generation, walked with God, was monotheistic, prophet, unique in his time

When got out from the ark, God gave him a code of 7 laws, "Sheva Mitzvot Benei Noaj" (Seven Laws / Commandments of the descendants of Noah / Noaj), and commanded him to teach them to his offspring (All humanity ). These Laws / Commandments had been given before to Adam, the first man, and then were repeated to Noaj, with an added law: (Prohibition of eating parts of an animal alive).

These are general laws, with many derived rules, which specify which should be the conduct of the descendants of Noaj. They (the Laws) provide the code for the proper functioning of the world, and assure the man his portion in the world to come (Olam Haba)

They are:

1. Prohibition of idolatry

2. Prohibition of blasphemy

3. Prohibition of murder

4. Prohibition of theft

5. Prohibition of illicit sexual relations

6. Prohibition of eating parts of an animal alive

7. Establishment of courts.

All this has its basis in the Jewish Torah (Written and Oral)

To know more about this topic: Visit:

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